Saturday, December 19, 2015

aBIZinaBOX Puts A Toe Down In Australia

The attention span of a small sea animal, the spirituality of a cobra, and the gravitas of a belt sander
aBIZinaBOX - Get Used To It

Now its our turn to give it right back to you. Just like Eddie Murphy is coming to Australia. The blog sneaks in first under the color of Kiwi, posing as an innocent Roo Rooter. After all, a country founded by Her Magesty's convicts and thugs so much closer to legendary debauchery of Olongapo in the Philippines and Thailand. We bring I own roo to root. :

We are unique among the Xero Ecosystem partners [other than the Big 4 firms] in being members of:

  • United States - AICPA - Tax, IMTA, PCPS, CAQ Sections, PCAOB, State CPA Societies - California, Florida, Illinois, New York State and Texas
  • United Kingdom - ICAEW, CIOT
  • Australia - CAANZ, The Tax Institute
Jane Russell teaches us that we want to learn about wild animals, we need to look for them in the wild. So it goes...this piece is going to be lite so let's introduce our Roo Rooter.
If you are offended, get used to it...we offend everyone.

Finally, we will leave you will a small piece of our wisdom to demonstrate that we "get it".

Our initial goals are modest and based upon our intention to expand out practice as appropriate. We currently have US offices in 

  • San Francisco [Oakland actually] two people that follow and represent us in the technology community, three that support our involvement with medical cannabis in California - you can learn more about what we do at MCFM Group and  First MC Processing.
  • New York where our taxation and transactions teams are based [15 professionals]
  • Predictive Analytics and Big Data - Evanston, IL which is our newest expansion which will consolidate our Google Partners - Google Analytics, AdWords, AdSense, Google Play and Google For Work - Cloud Platform operations, Apple Enterprise Developer Team, and Google Platform Apps Development
  • Evanston HQ - houses our executive and staff functions, together with the Business and Technology Analyst Group which evaluate new technologies for the use of our practice and our clients, the Accounting and Attest Group, the Transaction Support and Execution teams, and the "Mad Scientist Lab" which is my personal space to do proof of concept and other "off the wall experiments.
  • Sydney and London - depending on the success of our business, finding the right partners and opportunities, we have begun seeking the right person to initially undertake some door knocking to identify potential partner's and clients with enough critical mass to support my making a visit in contemplation of opening a representative office. Any input greatly appreciated, we admire what we have seen in the space the Xero created in Australia and New Zealand, and we are engaged with the senior management of Xero to assist with the facilitation and development of their US partner programs. 
  • ICAEW and CAANZ QPERT - our goal within a year of today is to be able to make the planet a bit smaller by offering the opportunity for individuals training to become ICAEW or CAANZ Chartered Accountants to be able to spent a 3-4 month tour as part of their practical training with our firm in the US and have it eligible to be accepted by the Institutes. We are seeking sponsorships from Xero and several other major vendors to underwrite portion of the program.
We come with intention of listening and learning before we leap [it will take every fiber in me to stick to that]. Further, one thing we can trade is our skills, expertise and relationships for some of what we learn from you.

My contact information is very simple:

Managing Director & CEO
aBIZinaBOX Inc.
Follow Us On: FB TW G+ LN     F: 847.563-1364 
CHI-HQ - 617 Grove St., Suite A, Evanston, IL 60201
       NY - 154 Grand St. New York, NY 10013
       SF - 156 Second St., San Francisco, CA 94105
C: 847.533.3403 GTalk: jszesq  Skype: jszesq1
Connect With Me On: FB TW G+ LN
Chi-HQ: 224.307.4825    NY:732.893.7648     SF:415.579.2692
To schedule a meeting please click HERE
Please use email, SMS or IM to reach me. Voicemail is difficult due to calls and meetings.

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